No offence, but this is what I think:
1) It's way too cliche, "People say that when you die...", too over done.
2)Corny Music.
3) Animation could use a little more work.
4) Story line is dull (same reason as #1).
I'm tired of all these so-called, "artistic" films that have been plaguing NewGrounds recently. Yes, there are amazing "artistic" flashes, like "Prowlies at the River". But there are way too many wannabes that try to make stuff like that, but that honestly don't have the talent to do so. To make a film like that requires a _lot_ of time, a _lot_ of effort, and a _lot_ of skill. This, to my account, doesn't include any of the a-fore-mentioned. Try a different style, see what suites you best. But if you plan on making more films like this, seriously concider how you will manage the production cycle a little more efficiently (and probably extend it a little more). I can understand that you put a lot of effort into it, but even if it takes you a year to make it, at least it'll turn out better. Take it as constructive criticism. ;)